Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Infograph #1: Nuclear Bombs

View image better: http://www.coolinfographics.com/blog/2012/5/15/ingeniously-charting-the-horrifying-power-of-todays-nuclear.html

"Ingeniously Charting the Horrifying Power of Today's Nuclear Bombs"

This is an infographic of today's nuclear bombs (ex. B53. Castle Bravo). It shows the power that each nuclear bomb has with a red mini square that is equivalent to 1 ton of TNT. 1000 tons of TNT is equal to 1 kiloton and according to the chart, a "B53" nuclear bomb is 9000 kilotons. The chart starts off with the "Little Boy" bomb that is 15 kilotons and ends with the largest bomb ever to be detonated, which is the "Tzar Bomba," made by Russia (50,000 kilotons). It is amazing how  there is every single red square to show how many kilotons it is. It really brings out the effect of how dangerous these nuclear bombs are. Two design element that appeal to me are the size and the color of this infograph. The red squares really contrast from the whole image and the size of the squares are perfect because if they were any bigger, it would be literally too much as it is already.

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