Monday, October 22, 2012

Motion Infograph Review

This motion infograph is information on swine flu,what its history is, and how it is today. There is an element where it shows the symptoms with red dots that flash, which I could recreate. There is also an uncolored United States and it adds yellow to the states where swine flu has occurred and I could also remake that. Lastly on the effects, they add word by word on their information and I can also do that. The transition between the facts and different tables were very smooth. They also used basic colors, like yellow, blue, and red. What interested me the most was the video that was put in the start and the end of the motion infograph. I wonder how they did that.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Infograph Research

Ōhi‘a lehua

1.) Belongs to the myrtle family, the same as guava and eucalyptus.
2.) Its genus name, Metrosideros, is Greek for "heart of iron,"referring to its hard wood.
3.) Before, Ōhi‘a lehua trees grew as tall as 100 feet on the slopes of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa.
4.) The lehua blossom is normally red, but may also be orange, pink, yellow, or, rarely, white.
5.) The Ōhi‘a lehua was dedicated to Pele in ancient Hawai‘i.
6.) The flowers, capsules, and leko were used for lei.
7.) The wood was used for construction and for making idols, spears, and mallets.
8.) Legend has it, picking of the Lehua flowers can cause it to rain.
9.) The red lehua blossom is the official flower of the Big Island.
10.) Another legend is: one day Pele met a handsome warrior named Ohia and she asked him to marry her. The problem was Ohia had already pledged his love to Lehua.  Pele was furious when Ohia turned down her marriage proposal, so she turned Ohia into a twisted tree.  Lehua was heartbroken, of course. The gods took pity on Lehua and decided it was an injustice to have Ohia and Lehua separated.  So, they turned Lehua into a flower on the Ohia tree so that the two lovers would be forever joined together.

Krauss, Beatrice H., and Martha Noyes. "‘Ōhi‘a Lehua." Plants in Hawaiian Medicine. Honolulu: Bess, 2001. 103-06. Print.
"Hawaiian Plants - 'Ohi'a Lehua." Hawaiian Plants - 'Ohi'a Lehua. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Oct. 2012. <>.
Beal, Sheila. "The Lehua Blossom on the Ohia Tree." The Lehua Blossom on the Ohia Tree. N.p., 4 Sept. 2008. Web. 09 Oct. 2012. <>.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Infograph #3: "Something Fishy"

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"The Startup Ecosystem: Predator vs. Prey"

This infograph explains the Tech Startup Ecosystem through animals of the ocean. It starts of with a Great White that is named the "Venture Capitalist" and ends with the "Attention-deprived Significant Other," a lonely Anglerfish. It has the predators, its prey, and the role it plays in its life. Basically, this is a human-in-office interpretation and the sea creatures are their characters. The two design elements that appeal to me are texture and the tone. I love the contrast in the fish themselves and the shading on them. The infograph is very smooth and makes it so much more interesting to look at.

Infograph #2: "Animals' Eyes"

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"How Animals See The World"

This infograph explains what colors animals see and how they use their vision. There is no certain order to the infograph; it jusy lists different animals and their way of seeing objects.
with every animal category, it gives us a human, UV, and the animal's vision to a certain object to compare and contrast. Also, it gives us a close-up to the animal's eye, so we get a better look at it. I like the direction element of this infograph and how everything is in its own little section and all of it flows together. The second element is the colors that are used because it very nice to look and it becomes more and more interesting, making me want to read more of it.

Infograph #1: Nuclear Bombs

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"Ingeniously Charting the Horrifying Power of Today's Nuclear Bombs"

This is an infographic of today's nuclear bombs (ex. B53. Castle Bravo). It shows the power that each nuclear bomb has with a red mini square that is equivalent to 1 ton of TNT. 1000 tons of TNT is equal to 1 kiloton and according to the chart, a "B53" nuclear bomb is 9000 kilotons. The chart starts off with the "Little Boy" bomb that is 15 kilotons and ends with the largest bomb ever to be detonated, which is the "Tzar Bomba," made by Russia (50,000 kilotons). It is amazing how  there is every single red square to show how many kilotons it is. It really brings out the effect of how dangerous these nuclear bombs are. Two design element that appeal to me are the size and the color of this infograph. The red squares really contrast from the whole image and the size of the squares are perfect because if they were any bigger, it would be literally too much as it is already.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Kaho`olawe Trip

      Going on a trip to Kaho`olawe would be amazing and a great opportunity to show my digital art skills. I believe that if I go on this trip, I will give out my best work, just like how I have done in the past. My commitment is strong and I will finish whatever assignment is given to me because I know this trip is not a vacation, but a way to explore my abilities of digital art. It would be an honor to be chosen to go on this four-day adventure and I will cooperate with all my peers and get work done. I also think that my work will not be put out as amateur, but someone who would love to pursue a dream in the digital world.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Barbara Kruger-inspired Posters

Barbara Kruger-inspired Posters

1.) I decided to do simple posters and simple sayings. My first one is called "Friend" and it is a picture of a dog (Rottweiler). The reason behind the text I used was that man's best friend is his dog. By incorporating the dog into the poster, I was hoping people would be reminded of "Man's Best Friend"

2.) I am pretty sure everyone knows Hello Kitty, so I decided to make a poster that had something to do with the character. I was supposed to change the phrase, so I changed it from "Hello Kitty"
 to "Bye Bye Kitty" hence the crossed out eyes of Hello Kitty. I thought it was quite genius actually.

3.) Finally, I decided to use a popular slogan from Walmart: "Save money. Live better." I honestly did this because I thought it would be cool. Yes, I chose to photograph money in a wallet, symbolizing saving money.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Redesigned Coffee Bean


I have decided to interpret lava flow into the coffee bean symbol. Big Island is known for many things, including their Kona coffee and the eruptions that occur. My first coffee bean was very abstract and simple, while my redesign of it has color and crevice-like lines, indicating it to look more like a coffee bean. Also, to help out with the redesign, I changed the color to brown to give it some eye appeal.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Iconic Abstraction

Realistic Heart to White Flat Heart

What is the difference between icons & symbols?

           An icon is a person or thing regarded as a representative symbol of something. A symbol is a thing that represents or stands for something. The purpose of a symbol is to communicate meaning, like how a red octagon represents to stop without having to put the actual word "stop." An icon generally represents an object or concept with cultural significance to a cultural group. For example, the Stonehenge is a cultural example of England.